WestClay - Carmel Indiana Weather
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::month::year::records::trends::radar::maps::links::about: |
Latitude N 39° 58' 30" Longitude W 86° 11' 57" Elevation 915 ft
Dawn: | 07:23 | Sunrise: | 07:50 | Moonrise: | 18:18 | |
Dusk: | 19:40 | Sunset: | 19:13 | Moonset: | 04:32 | |
Daylight: | 12:17 | Day length: | 11:23 | Moon Phase: | Waxing Gibbous |
Welcome to The WestClay Weather Station, located in Carmel, Indiana, a suburb of Indianapolis. The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2, and these pages are updated every 5 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.
Forecast: Mostly clear, but with occasional showers likely.
For a detailed forecast see the National Weather Service forecast or their graphical version. Mobile users should try the new NWS Mobile Weather service.
Current conditions (METAR reports) are also available from Indianapolis Executive field or from Indianapolis International.
Historical data in NOAA report format are available for this station here. Long term historical records from this station can be found on the Weather Underground website.
Temperature and Humidity | |||
Temperature | 56.7 °F | Dew Point | 55.9 °F |
Windchill | 56.7 °F | Humidity | 97% |
Heat Index | 56.7 °F | Apparent Temperature | 58.5 °F |
Rainfall | |||
Rainfall Rate | 0.00 in/hr | Rainfall Yesterday | 0.00 in |
Rainfall Last Hour | 0.00 in | Rainfall This Month | 0.08 in |
Rainfall Today | 0.00 in | Rainfall This Year | 43.52 in |
Rainfall Last 24 Hours | 0.00 in | Last rainfall | 2019-10-06 18:02 |
Wind | |||
Wind Speed (gust) | 1 mph | Wind Speed (avg) | 0 mph |
Wind Bearing | 0° --- | Beaufort F0 | Calm |
Pressure | |||
Barometer | 30.098 in | Steady | -0.003 in/hr |
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Page updated 10/10/2019 9:05:00 AM
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v1.9.3 (1058)
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